Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I drew an EYE

Fooling around in my sketchbook at work, i snatched an 08 Men's Health magazine to find something to draw. The cover was a high contrast black and white portrait of Aaron Eckhart (twoface from the dark knight) and decided this would be an awesome picture to draw.

For my GDS 120 sketchbook assignment, we HAVE to use a fine point pen so i decided to go with that. After many failed attempts i got really frustrated, because you CANT ERASE and that SUCKS! i always started the drawing at the eyes because those are the most fun part of the face to draw, but got this far and stopped. I was too afraid to mess this one up so i decided to stop. Unfortunately, I've been too scared to attempt to finish it. :)

1 comment:

VM said...

not only ur good at graphic design,u can draw too...i think this is awesome