Monday, December 5, 2011


Hey guys! So, keeping up with all four of my daily blogs has been a lot harder than I thought it would be! It was hard at first, but it's been a couple of days and I feel like I am getting into the grove of uploading and posting things all the time. I'm really glad that I'm taking more photos now than usual. I took something like 5,000 photos this weekend, and below are two that I really really really like! :) If you want to see more photos like this, check out my blog  Cornfield Swag  <--click it!

Also this week, I am going to post an interview I did of one of my good friends, and up-and-coming model, Jill Schultz! I had the privilege of taking her photos this weekend, so I will share those and our discussion about her experience in the modeling industry and her plans for the future!

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